Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Don't I know the feeling. If weeding a library collection is hard, try weeding your personal collection. I 'm trying to adopt the rule: buy one, weed one. So far it's a good thought. [ Forgot to add I found this first at Library Link of the Day.]

1 comment:

Hazel said...

First thought here is, "Why?" as in why try to take a book off the shelf for every one that you put on it. I assume that you have already done the weeding out of all the books in the "I'll never ever read this again" category. Consequently what's left are books that you WILL read again -- at least once. However, tastes change as one ages (matures?) and the books that weren't in the "never again" category might, ten years later, be in it but ...
Unless you are seriously running out of space then just put up another shelf! Or stack books all the way down the stairs!