Tuesday, April 20, 2004

So I just signed up for a workshop on blogging. hmmm. Maybe I'll find more information for my presentation this June. The presentation and paper is progressing, but I'm thinking of renewing my membership in procrastinators anonymous.

Tomorrow is Creativity Day and Innovation Day--what a concept in the middle of National Library Week! [via Fastcompany] Can you name five creative ideas librarians have given?

MaryElaine Block has contributed an article in ExLibris, about the way we librarians are creative every day.

Maybe what I need to do with all the information I've been accumulating is apply some creative tools and have fun, like this.

Which reminds me the LA Times Book Festival is coming. Woohoo! If you can't go visit Book TV.org for live coverage. Here is a copy of their schedule What a great age!

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