Sunday, August 28, 2011

New School Year

So much for resolutions.  At the start of a new semester, I wanted to bring you up to date a bit. I gave a presentation at the Association of Christian Librarians Workshop on using archives in a class (history for us), I gratefully gave up being nomination chair for the Association, mourned the loss of friends who died, watched both a nephew and a sister pass certain stages in their lives.  He is now a Freshman in college, and she is working through the first stages of unemployment.  We did a summer reading contest again which is always low key and great fun.  Our prizes include gift cards to bookstores, natch.
And I decided to waive Medicare support for one more year as I am still working full time, a blessing I sometimes do not remember or even count at my age.
Finally my roses seem to have survived another onslaught of black spot which wasn't as bad this year.  Maybe there is hope after all.

I wanted to give you good news to think about linking to my blog as I am on an ACL committee to nominate and award a recognition for best book.  I can't talk about it too much right now, but once the subcommittees have done their work, I'll see about posting the finalists for the book award.  This is exciting.  I have four books to read and recommend to the rest of the committee.  Two other members are also reading them.  Then we all read the final works and discuss.  Stay tuned.  I hope to post something more about this work as time goes on.

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