Monday, January 07, 2008

New Year, Old Topics, Resolutions.

One common misperception in our society is that somehow religion is peripheral to the culture around us. Some of this may be in unapologetic biases toward anything nonsecular. Sightings from The Martin Marty Center seeks to identify religious issues in our current culture.
The archives go back to 1999. Some of the topics in 2007 included global warming, the movie, The Golden Compass, The new Atheists, Obama's Faith, and Musicians in Black Churches or lack thereof. Subscribers are invited to submit topics as well. While these op/eds are not primary sources, they help provide the missing dimension --or links to them--many of our students want to find for papers.
Resolved: To provide more links to religious materials on popular culture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so pleased to have "stumbled" upon your blog. I have just started my first semester as an MLS student, and have been encouraged by your posts. Are you an Academic Librarian? If so, props to you! I attended a Christian University for my undergrad and LOVED the librarians at my school. In fact, they were a huge inspiration for me to pursue my MLS degree...although I do not think they are aware of it!