Friday, January 20, 2006

Of Magazines and Periodicals and Rodents

Last year before I went off on vacation, I had briefly worked on a bibliography for a class about world views and I searched for magazines and journals which would help stimulate discussions in the students' encounters with the world as an alumnus. Most of the magazines I found were semi-online, a teaser article and then an invitation to the print subscription. Few are completely online.

What does this have to do with rodents (or the vole wars at my house)? Sometimes the traditional mousetrap is the best solution while locating the entryways. I've tried the fancy sound waves and other stuff but they aren't really a better or cheaper mousetrap. In the case of periodicals, while I try the online, I still prefer seeing the print, still a bargain in this world. I'm stretching the analogy a little bit!

Here are the magazines and journals I was planning to use. What do you think? Should I include those which are "teasers" but to which my library doesn't carry a print subscription?

Change This
The Crux
Image: Art Faith and Mystery
In The Faith
The Wittenburg Door
World Magazine

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