Sunday, November 06, 2005

Sunday Thoughts

You know something is going right when college students don't want to leave at the end of a class or you find two of the students showing another student what they just learned in your class. This happened this week. What a gratifying feeling.

I tried out Suprglu which allows you to piece your links from and other sites into a website.[via]

Since I'm at the reference desk for four hours today, I thought I'd do another compilation of interactions with students.

Where can I find your videos? Gave the student the list we keep.
Do you have an audiobook section? - no.
Explained why there was no problem 8 on an assignment. (Because I removed the problem and forgot to delete the number from the instructions.)
I'm here to do the assignment for my English class. Spent about 30 minutes reviewing the assignment and discussing options.
We e-mailed the material to the student who left to read it. After a while, I saw he had left his folder at the desk. About 30 minutes he returned to pick it up and to report success in finding the rest of his information.

Between reference questions, I worked on a list of journal information for students majoring in Social Work.

All in all one of those lulls between the mad scramble of last week and next.

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