Friday, August 26, 2005

Back to School

I can tell when colleges and universities start back to school by the dearth of e-mail at my addresses.
In case you didn't notice, we have a relatively new day to note in September. Well, those of us in private academic areas probably aren't rushing to adopt programs--yet. I'll be watching LIS News and a few other feeds for events as they occur for this new day.[link via Research buzz]
We're planning a welcome/fall kick-off/opening day three days after school starts. It seemed like a good idea at the time and takes into account other back to school activities on campus. Coordinating academic library promotional activities with other campus activities would be a good discussion here or at some of the wikis.

I keep meaning to mention my summer experiences and how Informtion Literacy competencies relate to tomatoes and painting projects. (No, I didn't paint with tomatoes!) But that's another story.

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