Wednesday, May 25, 2005

For those of you who are going to ACL in a couple of weeks here's an article by our featured speaker:

Another article is actually a study about using Search Engines. Since the sponsor of the study is Dogpile, there might be a little bias, but at the end of the article you can repeat the study. I had heard of this problem before but never seen as good a graph as you will find here. It might be good to try this with another metasearch engine as well. [via] I would echo the entry and agree that this is significant for reference librarians in that just as we encourage students to use more than one periodical database, we should encourage and model the use of more than one search engine.

So what does this have to do with religious materials? How many of our students stick to one commentary or Biblical dictionary? Do the faculty encourage exploration and critical thinking about different versions of the Bible or different criticisms? I could go on... We have been facing this problem of lack of research in print and probably ignoring it. Electronic resources merely exacerbate the issue. Librarians can't afford to.

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