Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Day and Night

May 5th is the National Day of Prayer Unfortunately for most college campuses, this may come during finals week when students do pray but usually just to pass!

However, I also found this site from the Religion TodaySummaries with several great links to resources about prayer
A Whole Night for the Whole World

Before teen's become too self-righteous about praying, they should remember Praying Hyde, George Mueller and the history of the Moravian Church and prayer

And whenever I hear, read, or participate in prayer concerts, I always remember Amy Carmichael's poem (which I didn't memorize it in quite in this form) If someone has the book, please verify this poem and I'll update it.
"From prayers that ask that I may be
Sheltered from the storms that beat on Me
I ask you to save me, O Lord …
From fear when I should aspire,
From faltering when I should climb higher.
From a 'silken self," O Captain, free
Thy soldier to follow Thee.
From the subtle love of things that soften
From easy choices and weakenings...
From all that dims your sacrifice on Calvary,
O Lamb of God deliver me.
Give me the love and faith to follow the way,
That nothing can my faith dismay.
Give me hope no disappointment may tire
And passion that will burn like fire.
Let me not sink to be a clod;
Make me Thy fuel, O flame of God."

[From A Chance to Die: The Legacy of Amy Carmichael,
Old Tappan, New Jersey, Revell, 1987, p. 221] [via]

What does your academic library do to encourage the spiritual growth of your students?

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