Friday, April 15, 2005

A Miscellany

I'm in a spring cleaning mood and in an effort to clear my Inseason Files for summer, here are just some links for materials with little or no comments. If I don't post where I found it now, I'll come back later.

A list of religion books from the Chronicle of Higher Education from March 18. (registration required) and today

Youth Specialities presents the King James Version Baseball Game

several articles on the youth and religion worth some thoughtful reading
"Compliant but Confused" from Christianity Today
"Generation Y embraces choice, Redifines Religion" from the Washington Times Both of these links came via Youth Specialties
From the Chronicle of Higher Education "College Students Mix Doubt and Belief in Their Spiritual and Religious Views, Study Finds." This surveyis a result of work of the Higher Education Research Institute at the University of California at Los Angeles. Coincidentally, all three articles appeared in press within a few days of each other.

And if you are interested in the relation of youth to religion, look at the National Study of Youth and Religion's extensive bibliography on the subject, although there doesn't seem to be many citations after 1999.

My pile is a little smaller. Enjoy!

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