Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Prayer Resources

Thursday is the National Day of Prayer.
There will be a radio broadcast from 8-11 pm EDT, and I hope Christians, whatever political persuasion, will stop during that time and pray. The Concert of prayer site has links to other resources to encourage you to move beyond just one day of prayer. They're worth checking out for current movements in prayer.

Unfortunately--or maybe fortunately-- prayer isn't taught as a for credit class in most colleges that I know about, but a quick look on the Internet and WorldCat shows a variety materials and topics about prayer. For instance, we need more than just educators to research the subject of prayer in schools. I didn't find any bibliographies of materials on this subject in Worldcat since 1995 and those consisted of bibliographies from Congressional Research and a list of materials for Michigan State legislature. Is anyone working on an updated bibliography?

In addition, we need to remind others of the history of prayer and prayer meetings and the written prayers of Christians which have encouraged and strengthened us. The Oxford Book of Prayers should be in every library. And at this particular time, the prayer of St. Francis of Assissi comes to mind. And don't forget Amy Carmichael or George Mueller.

Has anyone constructed a link to prayer resources on his/her website?
I plan to put together a display later this month of prayer resources we have here. If anyone is interested in obtaining the list, please contact me.

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