Saturday, March 06, 2004

Saturday in the Library

I usually don't post on the weekends, but I had to work today. One thing they never taught in library school was that I would have to make change for students. Not that I mind, but it would not have been on my list of activities when I graduated.

Just checked Shush and found a link to The In Season Christian Librarian. Thanks!

I've started reading a variety of blogs which aren't about libraries and technology related to libraries alone. As a result I came across the Center for New Community via Orcinus, a blog which emphasizes "policy, culture, and journalism."
The Center is a nondenominational faith based group with two goals: "revitalize" the church and communities, and raise awareness of activities of extreme right anti-democratic groups. It appears to be located only in the MidWest. Has anyone participated in their programs?

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